Your Heart and Your Oral Health
Request an AppointmentThrough many years of research, doctors and scientists alike are finding shreds of evidence that tie gum disease and heart disease together. Essentially, researchers are finding that people who take care of their teeth are doing themselves a favor in the long run, as this also benefits their heart health. So make sure you’re brushing and flossing daily and get a dental check up regularly!
Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence between this link in order to declare it 100% accurate. It’s difficult to tell, because people who take care of their teeth generally take care of the rest of their body. Therefore, healthy teeth do not necessarily equate to a healthy heart, because one’s diet and exercise also dictates their cardio health. You can’t eliminate your chances of getting a heart attack by simply brushing your teeth.
As for someone whose teeth are decaying, more than likely, they are NOT watching what they eat and how much exercise they’re getting. It’s not outlandish to assume they’re not doing all they can to take care of the rest of their body. So there are discrepancies amongst the scientific community as to how much your oral health directly affects your heart health. Nevertheless, experts do agree that there are conceivable reasons why dental health and heart health may be intertwined.
This symptom can be found in both periodontal disease and cardio complications such as coronary artery disease. Inflammation is the swelling and reddening of various parts of the body. For example, your gums become redder and tender if you’re experiencing some form of periodontal disease. The same can occur within your arteries. If plaque begins to build up over time, it can cause your arteries to swell and become tender as well. The progression of these two diseases looks very similar to one another, which has drawn the attention of the scientific community. The similarities are hard to ignore.
Fatty Plaques
Another reason researchers believe these diseases are linked is due to the fatty plaques that clog up our arteries. There are components to it that are a byproduct of the toxins released from periodontal disease. If one let’s their oral health get to the point of decay, these toxins are produced frequently and get into our blood stream.
Once these toxins are in our blood stream, they can combine with cholesterol and other waxy substances to block our arteries. As a result, you’re more susceptible to blood clots, which increases your chances of a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, by simply brushing your teeth and flossing along your gumline, you can reduce your chances of cardiovascular complications later on in life.
Of course, this does not mitigate the lifestyle choices you make. You can’t completely remove your chances of getting a heart attack or stroke by taking care of your teeth and gums. Diet and exercise still play a major role in your heart health.
Healthy Smiles and Healthy Lifestyles
Despite these two convincing pieces of evidence, there is still not enough to completely determine that the condition of your oral health is linked to various types of heart disease. Nevertheless, that does not mean you shouldn’t take care of both. Health-conscious people have the wherewithal to devote portions of their day to brushing and flossing, as well as exercising and eating right. By doing one and not the other will not help you. To successfully decrease your chances, it’s best to make healthy lifestyle choices that benefit your smile and heart.

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